Sunday, January 23, 2005

i dont know

sorry about the title but i could not think of anything that would fit what i wanted to talk about... i watched that movie Bowling for Columbine and yah it was a cool movie, yah i thought they did a good job, but i hated how it made me feel. i felt totally helpless. i am sorry for all of those people that love that movie, rock on... i sat there and i watched all of these things that totally disgust me and i am wanting to change it but i am not american. i cannot go to the U.S. and start bitching about everything and actually expect them to listen to someone that has never lived there... and also another thing that really bothered me was the fact is that they put all of this information in front of you, and then give you nothing, not even in the credits did they give yout that fast forwardwebsite that you would have to pause the movie to see. yah sure they did something with that k-mart, but what can you do, it is already done. they do not talk about helping eachother and how we can maybe help eachother out. i was disgusted with people on that movie, and basically how everything was okay, and i know that that was what buddy was going for, but some people like myself, i would fucking love to help and change things, but i am a fucking canadian and i do not think that people from the states would like to hear what a foreigner has to say. they have to help themselves i guess.

i hate how everyone seems to have this perfect idea on how you should be and what you should like

Fuck them


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